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Securing .au domain name

Many Small and Medium business owners are being, constantly emails about the new .au domains name. Do you need to worry?

I was recently approached by a local WA company regarding a few email they have received mentioning about securing a .au domain name before its too late.

Understandably giving the current way that the internet work with constant barrage of spam and phishing attempt that a lot of company get on a daily basis. This person was wary of if this was only spam or if they really needed to act on it.

I explained to them how AUDA the Australian top level domain administrators have recently released access to a new top level domain. While it is not required for them to register this domain name, we explained how if they chose not to, any entity will be able to register their current prefix after the general release and point it to wherever they wish, or even send emails from a very same domain name just without the .com.

They understood the importance of brand security and securing their digital identity and proceeded with the process of registering their .au domain.

This is the Direct .au domain, this allows any entity (person or company) with a connection in Australia to register a .au domain name. As this has been opened up to all entity's. AUDA has Given current owners of any or the priority to register the .au variant of their domain name. Although this cant last forever and companies need to act before the general pubic release of the .au happens in September.

We were able to get the companies .au variant secured for them and redirecting to their current website.

If you also need assistant with this, feel welcomed to contact us for help.

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